The Lord loves me, but He also loves everyone else too
A moment like this has helped me realize how I should truly be seeing the people that I encounter every day. I shouldn’t be seeing them from my own human eyes and perspective, but from the Lord’s eyes, from His perspective instead. There are so many times where I feel/act so self-centered and think that it’s all about me. But the
I want to leave you all with this encouragement: NEVER under-estimate what the Lord may be doing in your life, including what may be happening behind-the-scenes. I pray that each of you will trust Him fully no matter what, and that when His perfect timing is right, He will reveal all that He has for you, down to the very details that you may have been wondering about, but weren’t able to see until His appointed time. I also encourage each of you to continue to ask the Lord for divine appointments. It’s amazing what happens when you do. :)
From Farewells to New Beginnings
Now that I have graduated college, I honestly don’t know what to do. I literally just sit on my couch sometimes and think to myself, «Now what?» I have been so busy and occupied with school that I don’t know what to do without it. After all, I have been going to school for the last 17.5 years. Wow. That’s over half my lifetime thus far. That’s crazy. :)
As I have had time during these last couple
To tell you the truth, it actually wasn’t until my last semester at NCU that I felt like I grew the most. Although I had only 12 credits and commuted from home, trying to finish college (which included an internship, my senior piano recital, a senior project paper, and a couple of classes), was obviously still very busy for me as well as my life continued to somehow fill up with other things that were unrelated to school. It was a different kind of busy, but still a good kind of busy because it started to ease me into what life potentially looks like after college. During this time, I really learned to rely on the Lord; without His help to push through my final semester (especially when preparing for my recital), I don’t think I would have been able to do it. (I probably would have been able to, but it would have been a lot harder without the Lord’s help). I probably would have been a lot more stressed and full of anxiety too, but through lots of prayer and support from others, I was able to discover a confidence that I never thought I had when it comes to performing on a stage as well as being filled with complete peace as I perform. :)